SOLARIUM is a site-specific artwork developed to be a central focal point of a large shopping mall, offer a nice break from busy shopping, and help visitors navigate through the mall. The artwork emphasizes the architectural qualities of the space and makes use of the natural airflow to stay in constant movement.
At night the 18 suspended discs are lit by spotlights, which create a playful pattern of colourful reflections and refractions around the space. During the day, the large-scale mobile has an even more lively expression thanks to the shifting properties of daylight and occasional direct sunlight.
SOLARIUM was commissioned by Copenhagen architectural studio Spacelab, as part of their refurbishment of Kolding Storcenter. Careful consideration of construction methods, maintenance, and flexibility towards other uses of the space during the year was part of the project planning from the beginning. The artwork can be fully dismantled and recycled when it has served its time, without leaving any trace on the building.
Spacelab Arkitekter
Kolding Storcenter / Danske Shoppingcentre
Skovvangen 42
Photo by
Hampus Berndtson