Elsinore Municipality, Lys På Aarhus, City of Copenhagen, Aarhus Festuge, Nyréns Architecture, Reflektor Light Festival, Copenhagen Light Festival, Spacelab Arkitekter, RUM1, Blockheide Leuchtet, Lichtspektakel Sparbach, Smukfest, Områdefornyelse Nordvest, Kulturnatten København, Flow Festival Helsinki, Akt1 Radio Drama, Eurovision Song Contest, Danish Ministry of Culture, Dark Sky Møn, Vordingborg Municipality, Kaleidoskop Agency, SunEffects, Ängelholm Municipality, Åstorp Municipality, Reshaping Work Barcelona, Atelier Hotel Pro Forma, Jakob Oredsson, Jon R. Skulberg, Jesper Kongshaug, Eriko Makimura & Co, GFS Ørestad, City of Aarhus, The Time Travel Agency, Jocelyn Ibarra, Johanne Ib, Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk, Mariliis Kundla, Yggdrasil Dance, Kristina Ahm, Copenhagen Central Library, National Museum of Denmark, Skrå Cph, Renegade Runners, BRUS, Horsens Municipality, Kunstbureau Kolossal, Områdefornyelse Skjolds Plads, Høst Møn Festival, Jenny Kalliokulju, Essi Kausalainen, Hanaholmen Cultural Centre, LUX Helsinki, Inkonst Malmö, KoncertKirken, Brønshøj Vandtårn, DamDam Architecture & Design, Maria Brænder, REconnect Performance Group, Nikolaj Dinesen, Kolding Storcenter, Danske Shoppingcentre, Moderna Museet Malmö, Natlys, Sydljus, Impement Consulting Group, The Terminal Kyoto
2023 Pavillion for nattens dyr Light & shadow installation for Arnestedet, Vesterbro Bibliotek & Kulturhus, Copenhagen (DK)
2023 ひむがしの / Österut Site-specific duo exhibition with Eriko Makimura, The Terminal Kyoto, Kyoto (JP)
2024 FLOW II Reflective art installation for Copenhagen Light Festival, with Mariliis Kundla, Copenhagen (DK)
2023 FLOW Reflective art installation for Aarhus Festuge, with Mariliis Kundla, Aarhus (DK)
2022 Nutiden (Here in time) Site-specific public commission for Kunstbureauet Kolossal/Horsens Municipality, Horsens (DK)
2021 REFLEX II Reflective art installation for the light festival Blockheide Leuchtet, Gmünd (AU)
2021 PULS (prototype) Custom light installation for Aarhus Festuge, an ongoing project with Mariliis Kundla for Lys På Aarhus (DK)
2021 REFLEX Site-specific reflective artwork for Copenhagen Light Festival, with Mariliis Kundla (DK)
2020 Solarium Permanent custom-made light installation for Kolding Storcenter, with Spacelab Arkitekter (DK)
2020 Ordlys i byen A walking literature- & light intervention in Copenhagen, with Kristina Ahm, supported by The Danish Arts Foundation (DK)
2019 OPLYST Co-creation of public light installation with kids at Kulturnatten, Copenhagen Central Library (DK)
2019 Timegazing II Kinetic light art exhibited at Flow Festival, Helsinki (FI)
2019 Summoning Godot Ritual & light installation for Before Shine, with Viktor Lysell Smålänning, Vollsjö (SE)
2018 Timegazing Kinetic light art commissioned by Reflektor Helsinki, curated by SunEffects, Helsinki (FI)
2017 Bylyst Public light/video installations at Frederiksborgvej, with artist group M.E.S.S. (DK)
2024 Speculative Theatre: Recollections Consulting on a speculative design project in Pittsburgh by The Time Travel Agency (US)
2024 August Adventure at Tjolöholms Slott Curation of light art & experience design for a 2-day corporate event (SE)
2024 Copenhagen Light Festival Program coordinator and co-curator of the 7th edition of Copenhagen Light Festival (DK)
2023 Høst Møn Festival Dark Sky-friendly lighting and decor concept for a music festival at Møn Island (DK)
2023 Copenhagen Light Festival Assistant project manager for the 6th edition of Copenhagen Light Festival (DK)
2022 Områdefornyelse Skjolds Plads Zero-energy Christmas tree decoration & workshop for kids (DK)
2022 Høst Møn Festival Dark Sky-friendly lighting and decor concept for a music festival at Møn Island (DK)
2022 Copenhagen Light Festival Assistant project manager & curator of student works for the 5th edition of Copenhagen Light Festival (DK)
2022 Anutopia Immersive & interactive lighting concept for a futuristic gastronomy experience by Pust, Skrå (DK)
2021 Høst Møn Festival Dark Sky-friendly lighting and decor concept for a music festival at Møn Island (DK)
2021 The Gallery Copenhagen Light Festival, curation of works by lighting design students from Aalborg University CPH, with Mariliis Kundla (DK)
2020 Höstljus i Ängelholm Light workshop for kids with recycled materials, Ängelholm (SE)
2020 Høst Møn Festival Dark Sku-friendly lighting and decor concept for a music festival at Møn Island (DK)
2020 Field trips to ecofeminist futures Workshops for Talk Town Festival, with The Time Travel Agency (DK)
2020 Future Headteachers Speculative design project with Holbæk Kunsthøjskole & The Time Travel Agency (DK)
2020 Werkstatt 167 Temporary light installations for Reffen and the opening of Werkstatt167 (DK)
2020 The Laboratory of Optimistic Futures Interactive cyber experience with Mindpark & The Time Travel Agency, Helsingborg (SE)
2019 Lysspor i Folehaven Public light event for Områdefornyelsen Folehaven, with Kaleidoskop (DK)
2019 The Laboratory of Donated Dreams Installation & curation for Reshaping Work, with The Time Travel Agency, Barcelona (ES)
2019 Høst Møn Festival Dark Sky-friendly lighting and decor concept for a music festival at Møn Island (DK)
2019 Lystest Grønningen Social light hack event for Områdefornyelsen Nordvest, with Kaleidoskop (DK)
2018 Dark Sky Day Experience design and light installations for a festival about darkness at Møn, with Kaleidoskop (DK)
2018 Light Hack Ørestad Public light workshop for Ørestad Nord, with Studio Reflektor (DK)
2017 Night of Futures Lighting design for futuristic book launching party by Bespoke, with Christina Dvinge (DK)
2017 Lysfest Smedetoften Public light workshop for Områdefornyelsen Nordvest, with Studio Reflektor (DK)
2017 Fix-It-Together Project management for DIY fixing events, with Renegade Runners (DK)
2017 Reflektor Light Festival Head of Design for Reflektor Light Festival in Søndermarken (DK)
2016 Folkets Fest Lighting design for Lille Vega, with Rise & Shine KBH (DK)
2015 Rise & Shine #4 Fælledparken Event design and coordination for morning party by Renegade Runners (DK)
2015 Rise & Shine #3 Søpavillionen Event design and coordination for morning party by Renegade Runners (DK)
2015 Rise & Shine #2 Frost Festival Event design for morning party by Renegade Runners (DK)
2014 Science in the City Animation design for a laser installation, with Jesper Kongshaug and Jakob Oredsson (DK)
2014 euroskyLINE Light installations for Eurovision Song Contest & Danish Ministry of Culture, with Jesper Kongshaug & Jakob Oredsson (DK)
2013 Flatland moments Lighting concept for a performance by Jon R. Skulberg, with Atelier Hotel Pro Forma (DK)
2025 MAMAN, or THE TONGUE - Lighting concept for site-specific chamber opera by Jenny Kalliokulju (SE)
2023 Hexetestamentet - Lighting design for outdoor performance by Dorte Holbek (DK)
2023 Barbara and the Tail - Lighting experiments for a site-specific performance by Essi Kausalainen (FI)
2023 How the Land Lies - Lighting design for a performance for 5 bodies & 3 LED screens by Laura Cemin & Bianca Hisse (EE, FI, IR)
2023 Spectral Chasings_Plankton Style - Lighting concept for an interactive performance by Maria Brænder (DK)
2022 Seven Deadly Sins: Lust - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2022 Thousand Times Yes - Lighting design for experimental chamber opera by Kausalainen, Ahti & Kalliokulju (SE,DK,FI)
2021 Seven Deadly Sins: Greed - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2020 Seven Deadly Sins: Pride - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2020 Mørke og Natur - Adapted lighting design for a performance by Naja Lee Jensen at Det Kongelige Teater (DK)
2019 Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2018 Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2018 Akt1 radio drama - Lighting design for Akt1 stage readings at Frederiks Bastion (DK)
2018 Akt1 radio drama - Lighting design for Akt1 stage readings at Sigurdsgade 39 (DK)
2017 Seven Deadly Sins: Envy - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2017 The Ice is Melting - Touring lighting designer for a dance performance by Yggdrasil Dance (DK)
2016 The Ice is Melting - Touring lighting designer for a dance performance by Yggdrasil Dance (FO, GR, AX)
2016 Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony - Lighting design for concert performance by Eriko Makimura (DK)
2014 A Musical Installation - Visuals for a touring music performance by Edition Borup-Jørgensen (DK)
2013 Miss Saigon - Lighting design assistant for a musical at Malmö Opera, with Jesper Kongshaug, Malmö (SE)
2018 Børnenes Museum - Exhibition lighting design for The Danish National Museum's kids' section (DK)
2016 BRUS - Interior lighting design for BRUS bar, brewery and restaurant by To Øl (DK)
2023 Interview with Sofia Ivarsson by Wakako Yoshioka, at The Terminal Kyoto (JP)
2021 'Så smuk er Festugens forunderlige lysfest', Jens Christian Thaysen, Aarhus Stiftstidende (DK)
2020 'Lysstråler bryder gennem København...', Holger Dahl, Berlingske Tidende (DK)
2020 'Lys, kunst og kreativitet på Gammel Strand 28', (DK)
2017 '7 sinful days at the concert church', Interview with Sofia Ivarsson by Eriko Makimura, Kobe Newspaper (JP)
2017 'Kontekstuelt lysdesign for Tapperiet Brus', article in Magasinet Lys nr. 1, 2017 by Sofia Ivarsson (DK)