Nutiden (Here in time)

NUTIDEN (HERE IN TIME) is a site-specific artwork developed for the Danish city Horsens, situated in one of the city’s oldest and historically most interesting streets.

The south-facing facade is located next to what used to be a neglected demolition plot, which after the artwork’s inauguration has sparked an interest of nearby residents to buy and maintain the plot as a green oasis and social gathering point for the neighbourhood.

The artwork consists of durable glass discs that use daylight and direct sunlight to produce a revolving colour-changing light pattern on the facade, inspired by ancient sundials. While it may not be possible to tell the exact time from the artwork, it is a daily reminder of the simple beauty hidden in our everyday surroundings. The artwork is an example of light art functioning without electricity.

Discover more about this and other public artworks of Horsens here.


Høst Møn

